I am having a problem with the double authentication when using the RDWeb Page.
When i logon to the RDWeb Page, i see all of the RemoteApps i published.
When i click on one Remote App, i'll get again an Authentication Windows. When putting the credetionals in the app starts.
I don't find the Problem why the SSO is not working.
RD Session Hosts:
Connection Broker and RDWeb Server:
All Servers are running Windows 2008 R2
RD01 is Member in the "ts web access computers group" on all of the Terminal Servers.
"Always prompt for password" is not checked in RDP Settings
When adding an App, it immediatly appears on WebPage, so RDWeb Server seams to talk to the Session Hosts.
Certifcates for digitaly signing are installed. I use a internal CA.
When i set "Allow Delegating Default Credentials" via GPO to the Clients, the SSO is working with the localy provided credentials, but i want to use the credentials that are typed into the RDWeb Login Page.
Hope somebody have a tip for me!