I trying to publish my RDWeb and Gateway NLB through TMG. We have a split brain DNS with the subdomain as the internal address (.local.example.com) and external (example.com).
I have configured the internal FQDN as Remotedesktop.example.com using the NLB IP.
I followed the http://www.isaserver.org/tutorials/Microsoft-Forefront-TMG-Publishing-RD-Web-Access-RD-Gateway-Part2.htmlCan.
I use the remotedesktop address as the internal site address using the NLB IP. I configure the path /RPC/*, configure the external site name.
As the remotedesktop is not a domain computer i manually created a computer object and configured the SPN.
The SPN entered into the web server rule : host/remotedesktop.example.com
I also added the SPN to the delegation tab in the TMG computer object properties.
Once i finished the wizard i then added an additional path /RDWeb/.
When i launch the website i am asked for a username and password, once i enter the credentials i am presented with a "cannot be displayed page".
Anyone have any Ideas ?
Best Regards,