Using Windows 2008 R2 Server + SP1 we experience the folllowing:
When users log off from the terminal server the following registry keys remain on the server:
HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Providers\Client Side Rendering Print Provider\<SID of user>
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\NetCache\PurgeAtNextLogoff\<SID of user>
For the latter I have already disabled offline files (which I think it has something to do with) using a GPO.
We have a terminal server GPO in effect on the OU where the terminal servers are.
The userprofile and other user-specific files are nicely deleted (written back to roaming profile) at logoff.
For both registry keys I have no clue what they're meant for and why some usersettings need to be created/saved under HKLM.
Thanks in advance!