I have a Windows 2008 R2 with SP1 enabled the Remote Desktop Session Host.
The server is configurated to disable the IE Enhanced Security for both user and administrator. I have verify the Server manager and Register are set to disable.
When a new user login to the this server, the IE Enhanced Security still enabled for this user
When a existing user login to this server, the IE Enhanced Security is disabled
I tried to delete the profile for the existing / new user and login server again, the IE Enhanced Security is enabled. I have try some steps to disable IE Enhanced Security for those user manually:
1. Login to administrator account to enable IE Enhanced Security
2. Login to user to start IE
3. Login to administrator account again to disable IE Enhanced Security
4. Login to user and the IE Enhanced Security is disabled.
It seems the IE Enchanced Security is enabled when create the new user profile. May I know how to configure the server to disable IE Enhanced Security when creating the new profile? Or force all user to disable IE Enhanced Security? Any idea or suggestion on this case?