I have installed on The Domain Controller the Terminal Server with 5 CAL.
During the installation of the Conexion Agent of the Remote Desktop I have error (I need to restart the Server and it didnt install the Agent).
Therefore I tried to install Remote Destkop without this characteristic.
I have installed license configured License per User and name of the server in group policy and it seems to works correctly (for 180 Days:))
I didnt have any message and all information in the license diagnosctic tool described that All is configured correctly: (All checked OK).
The Role is installed on the same server as domain controller.
Now when I try to connect I have error:
The remote session was disconnected because there are no servers Remote Desktop license available to provide a license. Please contact the server administrator on.
I can connect with mstsc /admin (because its not using the TS license but its not the way to work).
The strength think is that when I go to event viewer I have two lines:
- Remote Desktop Service
Where I have the same error as above (user cannot connect....)
- Remote Desktop Service 1
Here when I tried to connect I have Informacion that user is valided correctly
Thanks for any help.