Hi Everyone,
I have managed to install and configure WS2012 with Hyper V and a virtualized TS Server. In fact the inputs and problems/solutions available in this forum have helped me.
I have following problem :
I have created a virtual which is a RDS Server It has RDCB/RDSH/RDWEB /RDGateway roles installed on it. The Remote DEsktop Licensing shows no errors or issues. If I login through IE, I am able to login and see the published the applications on this server. Both my ADDS server and TS Server as well as Thin Clients are in the same subnet on local LAN within the premises.
I have a few Thin Clients in my local LAN network with WIN7 embedded. These are not able to log in through RD Gateway.
1. If I give IP address of the RDS server & tick automatically detect RD Gateway settings, the RDP Client connects as a Remote Console Admin. Initially it says the server is an untrusted server, but if I say connect anyway, it connects.
2. If I provide IP address in General Tab ( remote computer ) and RDGateway server IP Address in Advanced Settings ' use following Gateway Server' it returns an error stating ' the subject in the certificate and server name does not match ' and does not connect.
3. INstead of IP Address, if I provide FQDN for TS Server ( TS-Server.mydomain.local ) ,as well at 'use this RDGateway server , it says the RD gateway server is temporarily unavailable, please try later.
This is holding up my go-live date for the server,. Any help will be highly appreciated.
From :