I am running Server 2012 Datacenter with Windows 7 Enterprise clients. I have managed to deploy RDS for Managed Pools (VDI), and I have figured out how to connect via RDWeb and "RemoteApp and Desktop Connections." However, I am having trouble making things work how I want to. I believe I simply need a way to edit the RDP files created in "RemoteApp and Desktop Connections." When I right-click them and hit Edit, I am brought to the Remote Desktop Connection screen, which show's the server and no hint of the VM it will actually be connecting to. I can change settings and connect to the VM, but I can't save my changes to the RDP file.
Specifically, I want to disable some local resources by default without blocking them from the pool at the RDS server (so that users can manually choose to pass the resources on, but won't automatically have them all pass through). As far as I can tell, the Remote Desktop Services Overview in the TechNet library doesn't have any information on this, but I would appreciate any relevant links if they do exist.