I am going nuts trying to get profiles set up for RDS users. It used to be easy in W2K3.
I have a couple of Windows 2008 R2 servers that I have published applications on. I need some specific registry settings in [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\AutoDiscover\RedirectServers]. Since this is in HKCU, it has to be set for each user that logs in.
I thought I could use a mandatory profile for that, but in 2008 R2, the only profile that can be copied out is the Default Profile, and that does not contain the registry settings I need. I tried copying it out without putting the .MAN on it to use
it as a roaming profile, and I set it to allow Domain Users to use it. I thought that I could make the changes, then put the .MAN on the profile folder name and change the ntuser.dat to ntuser.man. When I try to log using what I thought would be
a roaming profile, I get the error: "The Group Policy Client service failed the logon. Access is denied." The session then closes.
How in blazes can I create a mandatory profile (or a roaming profile for that matter) configured the way I want it in Windows 2008 R2? This was no problem in 2003, where you could copy out ANY profile; I'm not sure why Microsoft changed that aspect of it.
Thank you for your help.