Domain A - AD: Server 2008
Domain A - LS: Server 2008
Domain B - AD: Server 2003
Domain C - AD: Server 2008
Trust Type: 2 Way Trust
LS already a member of Terminal Server License Servers group in each AD doamin
When Domain B & C User login to Domain A TS by RDP, event ID 4105 occurs.
The Remote Desktop license server cannot update the license attributes for user "xxxx" in the Active Directory Domain "xxxxxxxxx". Ensure that the computer account for the license server
is a member of Terminal Server License Servers group in Active Directory domain "xxxxxxxxx".
If the license server is installed on a domain controller, the Network Service account also needs to be a member of the Terminal Server License Servers group.
If the license server is installed on a domain controller, after you have added the appropriate accounts to the Terminal Server License Servers group, you must restart the Remote Desktop Licensing service to track or report the usage of RDS Per User CALs.
Win32 error code: 0x80070005
We want to know how much license is issued but the report only show the domain A user....
and if we count the active user in each TS we are that the total number of user actived is more than the number of license allowed
can anyone help !
thank you so much