I'm setting up our RD 2012 environment. I have application installed on a server with RDSH role (CL-SH), another server with Web Access and Connection Broker roles (CL-WA) and 3rd server with Gateway role (CL-GW).
I have public dns entry cloudgw.company.com. And my RDS Deployment Properties has "Use these Gateway settings" with server name set to cloudgw.company.com, "Use RD Gateway credentials for remote computers" selected and "bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses" un-selected.
On my firewall, if I nat cloudgw.company.com to Web Access server, then I am able to login to https://cloudgw.company.com/rdweb and see the application icon. But when I click the application icon, I get message "your computer can't connect to the remote computer becuase the Remote Desktop Gateway server is temporarily available".
If I nat cloudgw.company.com to the Gateway server, when I browse to https://cloudgw.company.com/rdweb I get message "404 directory not found...."
Should I be natting to the WA or GW server? What else is required to make the RemoteApp accessible from public?
The reason I'm using seperate servers for WA and GW is because I may want to add WA and GW farms in future and I understand that requires role seperation.