We have 3 domains
DOM1.domain.local (top domain)
DOM2.DOM1.domain.local (sub domain)
DOM3.DOM1.domain.local (sub domain)
When we setup a brand new RDS 2012 server in DOM2 we can't add users from DOM3 and vica versa.
When we install a RDS 2012 server in DOM1 we can't add users from DOM2 and DOM3.
The error message says that the network path was not found. And to check for a two-way trust.
We can't change settings on the trust relationship, because it is a child domain, it will always be a two-way trust. (the validation works without any problem)
Adding users from the other subdomain to the local group "Remote Desktop Users" isn't a problem. But that doesn't work any more in server 2012.
Anyone an idea?