Hi All,
Sorry if this has already been answered but my search brings up nothing. I am moving roaming user profiles from network location A, to network location B.
My procedure is
1. Run powershell script I wrote to take ownership of the profile files, give me full access to the profile files, fix profile permissions to reflect proper user permissions, move them to the new location, update active directory to reflect the new path.
2. Then I update the group policy for those users particular OU and their roaming profile location.
The issue is, even after I've moved the files and the profiles look to the new location, the user profiles still act as if they are being setup for the first time upon next login.
Basically is there a recommended way to move a users roaming profile, without it recreating the account?
Here is the code for the powershell script ( sorry for it not being documented ) just in case you want to look at it. As far as I can tell though it successfully restores the correct ownership and permissions so I don't think the focus should be at the scripts code( as ugly as it may be )
AAdd-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement -erroraction silentlycontinue
$PSSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName "CONTOSOFS01" -Credential "contoso\Administrator"
while ($loop -eq "Y")
$Root=read-host "Enter the Customer OU"
$Groups="contoso\Administrator","contoso\sg.glo.GO Support Users","contoso\sg.loc.GO IT","ADMINISTRATOR","SYSTEM","contoso\svc.CreateAvGOUser","contoso\Nathan.Julsrud"
$users=get-qaduser -searchroot "OU=$Root,OU=customer GO,DC=contoso,DC=local" -sizelimit 0 | sort-object
get-date | out-file $PathsBeforeMigration -append
foreach ($user in $users)
write-host -fore green "Processing $Username"
$HomeFolder=$HomeFolder.Replace("\My Documents","")
"sAMAccountName=$Username" | out-file $PathsBeforeMigration -append
"ProfilePath=$ProfilePath" | out-file $PathsBeforeMigration -append
"HomeFolder=$HomeFolder" | out-file $PathsBeforeMigration -append
$Folders=$Folders + $ProfilePath
$Folders=$Folders + $HomeFolder
foreach ($Folder in $Folders)
$string=$String + '`n'
if (Test-Path $Folder.Replace("c:","\\contosofs01\c$"))
write-host -fore cyan "Setting permissions on $Folder"
Invoke-Command -Session $PSSession -ScriptBlock { takeown /f $args[0] /r /d y} -argumentlist $Folder | out-null
foreach ($Group in $Groups)
Invoke-Command -Session $PSSession -ScriptBlock { icacls $args[0] /grant "$($args[1]):(OI)(CI)F" /t } -argumentlist ($Folder,$Group) | out-null
Invoke-Command -Session $PSSession -ScriptBlock { icacls $args[0] /grant "$($args[1]):(OI)(CI)F" /t } -argumentlist ($Folder,$Username) | out-null
Invoke-Command -Session $PSSession -ScriptBlock { icacls $args[0] /setowner $args[1] /c /t } -argumentlist ($Folder,$Username) | out-null
write-host -fore cyan "Copying $Folder"
if ($Count -eq 1)
ROBOCOPY $Folder.Replace("c:","\\contosofs01\c$") "\\contosofs06\D$\Profiles\$samaccountname.V2" /E /R:0 /MIR /COPYALL | out-null
rename-Item $Folder.Replace("c:","\\contosos01\c$") "$Root.$samaccountname.V2"
ROBOCOPY $Folder.Replace("c:","\\contosofs01\c$") "\\contosofs06\D$\Home\$samaccountname" /E /R:0 /MIR /COPYALL | out-null
rename-Item $Folder.Replace("c:","\\contosofs01\c$") "$Root.$samaccountname"
"NotFound: $Folder" | out-file $PathsBeforeMigration -append
"NewProfilePath=$NewP" | out-file $PathsBeforeMigration -append
"NewHomeFolder=$NewU\My Documents" | out-file $PathsBeforeMigration -append
$user | set-qaduser -ProfilePath $NewP -HomeDirectory "$NewU\My Documents" | out-null
$loop=read-host "Run again? Y/*"
Remove-PSSession -Session $PSSession
write-host -fore green "Complete"