I have configured a 2012 RDS environment and utilized user profile disks (UPD). The problem I am having is when a user opens a remote app (other than Office as I can specify save locations in Office via GPO) in the pooled desktop environment the apps default save location is the documents folder on the session host server, and not the documents on the UPD. I have hid the documents folder on the session host servers, but this does not help as the app still defaults to the session host server. Is there any way I can change this?<o:p></o:p>
I have thought of a few ideas, but have not found a way to accomplish them. One of which would be to somehow add the documents folder of the UPD to the save location on the save dialog box, and somehow do not allow users to save to the session host server.<o:p></o:p>
I tried to do a folder redirection from the session host server to the UPD; however, that seemed to not work.<o:p></o:p>
The one thing I noticed was that if a user saves once to the \\tsclient\c\users\%username%\Documents folder with in an app that app will remember and default there; however, getting users to type that in even once for every app is not acceptable or possible.
<o:p>If anyone has any ideas please let me know.</o:p>