Running Windows 2008 x64 server R2 as a TS Terminal Server with all current Windows updates.
If a user, with Windows 7 32bit or 64bit connects with KB2592687 to remoteapps or rdp via the web url (RDWEB), they are prompted for a password over and over again.
it is not an issue with the password, as a direct mstsc.exe connection works fine (i.e. not through the RDWEB portal). However, using a remoteapp or rdp connection via the RDWEB, results in this problems.
If KB2592687 is uninstalled the problem no longer occurs.
I have tried:
1) ensuring authentication is working under IIS - It is. Moreover, the problem only occurs under the update rdp 8.0. Does not occur for users without that update.
2) updated terminal servers to rdp 8.0 - no joy
3) there is no authentication attempt being shown in the logs. It's as though the password isnt being password through, when connecting via RDweb or RemoteApp.
is there something i need to activate on the terminal servers? nothing obvious i can see.
please help, this will soon become a huge issues as home users start updating their PCs. they cant connect.