Hello im in need of help..First I bought Windows Server Essentials 2012, trying to setup remote access to a company which actually needed a terminal server setup..So after 3 months I ended up buying Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard.Now my question is, what
do I need in order to get the terminal server working/remote desktop services..Im totally confused now after reading all the docs and watching videos..Im just trying to remotely connect 6 computers to a windows server 2008 R2 machine running 2-3 apps/programs
needed by the client pc's..Please I need help A.S.A.P..I have installed Windows Server 2008 R2 and have it as a DC with 1 User added in the Active Directory under Users..The router is a Fios MI424WR fiber optics, connected to a 8 port Tredent switch 1000base.the
Ip range of the router is 192.168.x.x..Do I need more then 1 physical machine to get this going..I also have VMware v10 but not installed..