I've installed a Windows Server 2012 R2 with RemoteDesktopServices and Outlook2013 as a remoteapp.
In Outlook I configured a S/MIME certificate for encrypting/signing mails.
On the server I'm logged on as Admin, the Outlook-RemoteApp was startet as User which is also member of domainadmins-group.
When trying to open an encrypted mail in the RemoteApp a dialogbox for granting access to the certificate appears on the desktop of the Admin on the server and not in the remotedesktop-session.
When the User is also logged in directly to the server and trying to open the encrypted mail in local Outlook the dialogbox opens in the existing RemoteApp-session and not on the users desktop.
Who can the dialogbox be directed to the session (local or RemoteApp) which asks for the access to the certificate?