This is my first post in here, and I hope you gays can help me out.
I am currently experiencing some issues with RD Web SSO not working as I would like it to work. I have found countless articles and guides describing how to get it to work, but no guide have yet helped me.
The problem is that when I log in on the web access and open a published application everything works fine I wait 5 sec and the application pups up, but when I try to open "Remote Desktop" then I get a new log in box where I must enter my log in credentials
again (after entering my credentials everything work great.)
The problems I am currently facing is produced in a demo environment configured as follows:
1x DC server (DC01) also the lic server
2x RDS server (RDS01/02)
1x RDS Connection broker (RDCM01) I have created a farm named "farm01.mydomain.com"
1x RDS Web access server (RDWA01)
1x RDS Gateway (RDSGW01)
(All the Servers are installed with Windows server 2008 (R2) SP1, and have the latest update.)
I am publishing my demo environment on the internet, i have created a domain name for my gateway and my web access and they are both accessible from the web (rdwa.mydomain.com and rdsgw.mydomaim,com). I also have secured everything with an SSL wildcard certificate ( my external and intern domain names are the same so I am using one SSl certificate) that is trusted on the web.
when I log in on the web access server trough (IE9 or IE8 ) from another network(wan) and I open a published application (calculator), it pop ups in just a few seconds. But when I try to open my Remote desktop I get a login box where I must enter my username and password one more time.. after that remote desktop opens and everything works great.
My laptop is a Windows 7 professional with RDP 7 and IE 9, and is not member of a domain (just a workstation), I have tested it from multiple workstations and networks(Also win 7 and RDP7) but even there I have the same problem.
Thinks that I have tried tell now:
- I have created a kerberos account as mentioned on MSDN
- I have checked my group permissions as mentioned here
- And many more blogs and forums
- I have tried multiple settings on RDCM, RDWA, RDSGW and RDS server
Right now I am out of ideas, and I hope you gays can help me out..
thanks in advance,