Server 2008R2 remote desktop services.
I created Certificate for the Server Name. "" and for the website ""
both DNS entries point to the server.
IN IIS i created a forward to the proper site name.
I use internet explorer.
I get the Remote Desktop Services Default Connection Web Page.
Log in and click on "Private Computer" radio Button.
Also added this registry entry:
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Terminal Server client/AuthenticationLevelOverride "0"
Once I log in. I have to RemoteApps Programs. NOTEPAD and RemoteDesktop.
When I click on Notepad, it launches Notepad without any question or complaints.
When I click on Remote Desktop.
It launches the Windows Security to "Enter Your Credentials".
Here are my two questions:
1. Since I have already logged into the WebApp, is there a way to pass-thru my authentication and avoid the Windows Security "Enter your Credentials" when I select the Remote Desktop App.
2. When I Sign Off the Remote Desktop Web Access Page . Close everything. Clear Cache, Clear History,
Sign on as a different user. Select the Remote Desktop App - The Windows Security "Enter Your Credentials shows up with the previous users name already listed. I have to select, "User Another Account" Which
tells me that the Log in information is not being passed on.
What am I missing? Any sugestions ?
Richard Widmeier