I am trying to set up managed pools for VDI in RDS. I have RDS installed and functional on a Windows Server 2012 Datacenter machine, and I have successfully created Windows 7 template machines and deployed pools from them. I have even managed to make changes to the pools with the recreate functions. I have done most of this without finding great documentation. That having been said, I am having an issue that I'm not sure how to deal with thatadequate documentation probably wouldn't help with. I have installed Adobe Reader 11 on a virtual desktop template and created a pool from it. When I connect to that pool and try to launch Adobe Reader, I get an error that says only: "An internal error occurred." Adobe Reader does not launch. I assumed this was a problem with the installation or something sysprep did, so I booted up the template and went through the OOBE. Once booted, I could launch Adobe Reader with no problem. IOW, this issue only exists when I deploy a managed pool, but not on the base image the managed pool was deployed from. Note that I would prefer to keep everything on the VDI image and not mess with RDSH or App-V. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to deal with this?