We're looking to implement Remote Desktop Gateway as a means of which to connect to our RDP-enabled corporate desktops in lieu of an aging firewall performing just this single task. Our interest in utilizing this for Terminal Servers or Remote Desktop Hosts isn't much at the moment and we're really just looking to put in RDG functionality.
The articles available are great, but just about each one assumes you're building infrastructure around RD Hosts and Terminal Services.
My question should hopefully be a simple one:
We want two RDG's load balanced between two sites. The NLB for these two RDG's within our perimeter network seems straightforward, but I'm a bit unsure as to if we need a Remote Desktop Connection Broker on the internal network to handle this, or if the connection broker is only needed for standard RDS/TS functionality.
Additionally, would it make sense to setup and use RD Web Access on the same two RDG boxes? Or does the standard functionality of the RDG work fine in this regard? If so, how does the RD Web Access work between two boxes when load balanced?
So would our eventual topology simply be two RDGs in our perimeter network, or two RDGs in the perimeter and a connection broker in the internal? After reading I'm inclined to believe the Connection Broker is needed if only to manage the two Remote Desktop Gateways in the perimeter.
Thanks in advance for your time.