I have a TS/RDS Win2008 R2 installed since 2010, single machine running RDS+TS Gateway and TS Web, digital certs and everything is working fine. NO patches were installed on TS Server and no patches on the client side wre installed in the last week.
I have 15 simultaneous users and only 1 user with the "access denied" error. Until last week everyting was working fine for him. WInows 7 client. I have several RemoteApp published, all of then are showing the "access denied" error. If the user try to logon directy using TS session with full desktop, same error.
Today a user called with a "Access Denied" error. That´s it." The RDS blue screen with the "Access Denied" and the "OK" button below.
The procmon.exe show no "sccess denied" occurrences in the registry or file system
The RDS Servide is running as NETWORK SERVICE privilege, OK
I´ve deleted the user profile, nothing. And i´ve noticed that after deleteing the profile, the new profile is not being created
I copied the AD user to a new one and the copied user cannot logon also. Bu if i try to create a new/fresh user only in the global groups related to the TS Web, the newly created user can login with no problem. The groups the user belongs to are standard groups, no deny access exist on any gruoups the user belongs to in an y place (i rarely us "deny" permissions or privileges)
Any tips?