Hi All,
I wonder if someone can scratch my head on this.
Brand new RDS 2012 R2 deployment.
- RDS01 with Connection Broker and Session Host Roles installed
- RDS02 with Web Access and Gateway roles installed
- one ssl certificate with one domain remote.mycompany.com
- the certificate have been imported to all the servers via the Edit Deployment
- the local domain is mycompany.local
the problem that i am having is that when i launch RemoteApp after login in the remote.mycompany.com externally, i get Certificate mismatch, because it is contact the local name of the Session host server RDS01.
What i tried so far.
- Used the Set-PublishName (http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Change-published-FQDN-for-2a029b80) without success
- Try to configure RDS01 certificate via (http://ryanmangansitblog.wordpress.com/2013/03/10/configuring-rds-2012-certificates-and-sso/)
- Check Any resources ( http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/d1b0ebe4-9e53-47ff-8c75-43fd91ff538a/windows-2012-rds-certificate-mismatch?forum=winserverTS)
Has anybody out there could shade me some knowledge in how to rectify the mismatch name warning.