Getting Event ID 1509 & 1540. 1540 is a generic error saying the profile failed and it is loading a local one. 1509 reads as follows:
Windows cannot copy file \\?\UNC\\Shared\RDSProfiles\user.V2\6A6DCA49-668C-4DD1-8A7F-9D5B61E8EE92.tmp to location \\?\C:\Users\user\6A6DCA49-668C-4DD1-8A7F-9D5B61E8EE92.tmp. This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security
DETAIL - The system cannot find the file specified.
Looking in that folder on the network, the file definitely isn't there, so it make sense that it would fail to copy. This is happening across all profiles on this session host. The file name is exactly the same for all users.
Why is it trying to copy this file that doesn't exist at either location? How do I correct this so the roaming profile loads properly?