Greetings all,
I set upa farmofVDI desktopsinwindows server2012, I haveconfigured aserverRDConectionBrokerandRDWebserver to publishandfarmapplications.
FinallyI configureda server with the RDGatewayrolefor access from internet.
I already havetheRDGatewayroleinstalled,youneed to configure it,someone cantellme whichsteps should I take?
Myscenario is as follows:
RDVH:VirtualizationHost, this is thephysical serverwhere I haveconfigured Hyper-V,thereI have virtual serversandVDIfarm.
RDCB:ConectionBroker, virtualserver.
RDWA: RDWEBACCESS,virtualserver.
Best Regards,
I set upa farmofVDI desktopsinwindows server2012, I haveconfigured aserverRDConectionBrokerandRDWebserver to publishandfarmapplications.
FinallyI configureda server with the RDGatewayrolefor access from internet.
I already havetheRDGatewayroleinstalled,youneed to configure it,someone cantellme whichsteps should I take?
Myscenario is as follows:
RDVH:VirtualizationHost, this is thephysical serverwhere I haveconfigured Hyper-V,thereI have virtual serversandVDIfarm.
RDCB:ConectionBroker, virtualserver.
RDWA: RDWEBACCESS,virtualserver.
Best Regards,