We are building RDS 2012 for one of our business line apps. We have about 50 users that are going to be accessing the app but just 30 will be doing it concurrently.
We would like to reduce the number of servers that are going to be used by the RDS deployment so we would like to consolidate the RDS roles in fewer servers.
The current drawing shows the following servers:
2 servers RDG
2 server RDWA
2 servers RDCB
4 servers RDHS (This will remain this way)
We will be using KEMP LM to reverse proxy to the 2 RDG servers also the RDWA will be load balanced with KEMP as well.
Finally we will use the native Microsoft HA for the active-active RDCB deployment and we will place the DB on SQL 2012 Cluster.
That being said, we are trying to understand what roles are better coexisting within a single box and how the HA for that box should be configured.
For example should we configured RDG and RDWA together and then build a second box with the second roles for HA, how is the HA configuration is going to have to be configured, any issues with certificates, etc?
OR Should we place RDWA and RDCB togheter and then build a new server with the same roles for HA? Same questions here regarding HA deployment, certificates, etc.
We are looking for suggestions and reasons that will help us out to understand what is the best path to follow to get this implemented.
Thank you.