I am looking for a replacement for Citrix. We are running Server 2012 R2 on Azure. I have a couple of quires about the roles: I thought the TS Gateway would act the same as the Citrix gateway in that it encapsulates all traffic to over port 443 but it appears that you need to give internet facing access to the web access, the connection broker and the gateway. If this is the case I have to ask what is the point of having the gateway?
What I am trying to do is have an application accessible via Web Access. Our clients are extremely restrictive and only allow ports 80 and 443 out. I would like to have a gateway server (eu-gw-01) internet facing and the actual server running the application on the RD Session Host server (eu-ts-01) behind that. So in terms of best practices where abouts should the Connection Broker, Web Access and Gateway role be installed.