I am using a Win 2008 32bit Standard VPS account.
1 We are marketing a proprietary software application on a subscription basis. Each subscription will be provided with one ID and one password.
2. The subscriber organization will most probably have more than one user who will be using this application.
3. At present, when a second user logs on while the first user is using the application, the server will kick out the first user. This can cause the first user to loose all the work he has done.
4. Is there a way I can limit only one user log in at a time.
This question has been brought up a no. of years ago, but I can find no solutions for Window 2008 32 bit server. We are a small company, so we can not afford to purchase third party software. I would appreciate very much if the forum members can provide some suggestions as to what I can do. This appears to be a common problem but I have not found any clear cut solutions.