I have a 2012 TS gateway for remote access for our Session Host server.
The TS gateway is on the LAN and the Firewall forwards request from our external IP on to the TS Gateway, in the past 2008 and R2 we have just had 80 and 443 open and it works fine, as it still does on 2012.
I want to enable the 2012 UDP option 3391 so I asked our ISP to also open the UDP port 3391 both ways.
Now RDS doesn't work properly, I can see in the TS Gateway monitoring that clients are connected http and usually 2 UDP connections, The Client when you click on the connection button we get connection is good or excellent and UDP is enabled.
From the Client end the best way to explain the experience is things will work smoothly for a while then hang if you try to resize windows it takes a while to do, what is really interesting is if you set of a video in a portion of the screen this will continue to stream ok whilst the rest fails to redraw correctly. Also interestingly if you move the Windows Media Player around the video moves around flawlessly but the surround stays where it was originally.
Turn off UDP and things go back to normal, I would like UDP to work because on constrained connections the experience isn't brilliant.
Is there anything I'm doing wrong should I ask for established related through the firewall? is there anything I can look at to see how I can improve this.
If I force an internal client to connect to the Gateway the UDP experience is absolutely fine.
Its a bit frustrating that I can only test this issue remotely.
Any help would be appreciated, as the information on the internet is scanty
Thanks Gordon.