we're experiencing slow logoff in our deployment using User Profile Disk and Windows Search enabled.
Our environment consist of the following:
RDCB01 - Connection Broker
RDG01 - Gateway
RDWA01 - Web Access
RDSH01-04 - Session Host
LIC01 - License server
File01-02 - FileCluster
1 Collection with all of the 4 RDSHs.
User Profile Disk is located on a scale-out file server running 2012.
RDBC01, RDG01 annd RDWA01 are running 2012. RDSH01-04 and LIC01 are running 2012 R2.
The slow logoff occurs when many users are logged on to one of the RDSHs. At worst "Please wait for Remote Desktop Configuration" hangs for 30 minutes. Disabling Windows Search Service solves the issue (fast logoff), but due to use of Outlook we need to have it enabled.
Using procmon to trace Windows searchindexer.exe there are tons of queries against:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search\CrawlScopeManager\Windows\SystemIndex\*
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Search\Gather\Windows\SystemIndex\Sites\*
We've both tried to reinstall and rebuild the searchindex without luck.
Any idea how to solve this? Is there any way to tune the way searchindex accesses the registry?
Thanks in advance.