Hi all
I want to establish if I am on the right lines and close to success or not:
I have 4 servers:
Server1 Roles/Info
RD Web role
Connection Broker role
Server2 Roles/Info
Session Host role
Member of RDS Farm
Server3 Roles/Info
Session Host role
Member of RDS Farm
Server4 Roles/Info
I have RemoteApps working internally and load balancing so that seems to be working fine. My confusion arises with regards the external access:
Situation: My internal domain name is example.co.uk. My company also use the same domain for external websites eg support.example.co.uk, website.example.co.uk etc. So I decided to use the domain for DNS for external access. I used “rds.example.co.uk” and pointed this to one our public IP’s. I then setup on the firewall NAT and firewall rules from external to internal RDWebServer. I purchased a cert off GoDaddy which is also “rds.example.co.uk”.
Possible problem 1: Is me using the same internal and external domain an issue?
Possible problem 2: Is using a single SSL Cert a problem?
Possible problem 3: To gain access to the RDWebsite externally, where should my NAT rule point the traffic to? The Gateway server or the RDWeb server? Currently I have the NAT rule pointing to the RDWeb server and I am currently getting 404 HTTP webpage cannot be found errors.
Possible problem 4: Should my Gateway server have the same FQDN as the cert? At the moment it has a generic server name like rds04.
Any help will be greatly appreciated