Hello, I have implemented the following RDS configuration however I am having some trouble in locating the exact SSL certificate requirements that are needed for this setup. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Internal Domain Name: contoso.com
External Domain Name. contoso.com
1 x server with RDS Gateway installed
1 x server with RDS Web Access installed
1 x Session Broker
2 x Session Hosts, configured in a farm with the name farm.contoso.com
Please note that the Gateway and Web Access roles are installed on seperate servers. There is no ISA/TMG server in this implementation.
I believe I require the following certifcates:
RD Gateway - Public CA Single Name certificate containing the publically resolvable name of gateway.contoso.com
Web Access - Public CA Single Name certificate containing the publically resolvable name of webaccess.contoso.com
Session Hosts - Public CA SAN certificate containg the publically resolvable name of farm.contoso.com and the servers internal FQDN of host1.contoso.com and host2.contoso.com
If possible could someone please confirm if this is correct, it would be very much appreciated.
Kind Regards.