I have a Hyper-V Server 2012, 4 VM's, 3 are Server 2012, 1 is Server 2008 R2. One of the Server 2012 is the CAL Server, they other 2 are just remote application servers. I've got the CAL Server setup with 20 Per User licenses, The RD Licensing is setup, RD Connection Broker is setup, RD Session Host is setup and the Collection is setup. And when I state "Setup", I mean to the best of my ability...
BUT, I cannot get anyone logged into the Application Servers, keep getting "No Remote Desktop License Servers available to provide a license."
On App Server 01, RD Licensing Diagnoser DOESN'T show the CAL Server and states:
"The licensing mode for the Remote Desktop Session Host server is not configured."
On App Server 02, RD Licensing Diagnoser showes the CAL Server but states:
"The Remote Desktop Session Host server is in Per Device licensing mode and No Redirector Mode, but license server does not have any installed licenses with the following attributes:
Product version: Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2
Licensing mode: Per Device
License type: RDS CALs or VDI Premium Suite licenses"
Any help or guidence would be appreciated.